To maximize the most out of your personal training experience, every client receives a 60-minute complimentary assessment.
Your assessment session will allow us to identify a few, or many significant details about yourself in the gym, the kitchen, or the workplace, that you might not have been aware of.
Together, we will tailor a customized plan of what is necessary to achieve your goals.
So, what are your goals? What is your underlying motivation?
To name a few ideas:
Weight Loss - Let's discuss your nutrition habits and see how that coincides with your current workout regimen. Some minor changes just might make all the bit of difference.
Injured - We can go through some proper stretching techniques, gradual strengthening exercises, and teach you ways to increase mobility. Have you gotten approval from your doctor or physical therapist?
Stress Relief - Throw some extra plates on the bar, or throw on the boxing gloves. Hitting a heavy lifting day alleviates stress just as well as hitting the catching mitts.
Pre-natal/Postpartum Mother - Healthy Mom = Healthy Baby
Bigger/Faster/Stronger - We will perform sport-specific exercises to improve your athletic abilities.
Developmental/Growth Issues - The stages of development for a child are crucial for their mental growth just as well as physical. Certain exercises are designed to improve the brain which controls the overall function of the body. Several examples are spatial awareness, fine motor response, low muscle tone, and childhood obesity. We can be an additional positive role model for your child while building their confidence in a fun environment.
Event Based - Have a wedding coming up and your dress accentuates that area between your chest and arms? Your suit not making you as slim as they normally do? Planning a Bar/Bat Mitvah and eating your stresses (and your waistline) away? We can get you a solution! No matter what the timeline is, provide us with the time until the event and let us show you what you'll need to do for "Crunch-Time".
Simple - I just wanna get my butt kicked!
The list is endless.
Goals are extremely detailed and different for every individual.
Most importantly, they are constantly changing as the body changes.
Contact Us to get started with your Free Consultation and Initial Assessment.